Schizophrenia Treatment


What is Schizophrenia?​

Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition or psychotic illness. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

What are the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia patients may manifest any of the following psychological signs:

  • Delusions are erroneous beliefs that are unfounded in reality.
  • False perceptions are present in hallucinations.
  • Disorganized thought: This involves verbal impairment and full or partial irrelevant conversation.
  • Disorganized or abnormal behaviour: This can include odd behaviours, odd postures, unfocused actions, and even a complete lack of responsiveness.
  • Lack of emotion is one of these negative symptoms. For example, not changing facial expressions, reducing eye contact, monotonous speech, being unable to perform daily tasks, ignoring personal hygiene, withdrawing from social situations, etc.

Why choose Suman Hospital for treatment of schizophrenia?

Dr. Ajaykumar Dhage have years of expertise treating schizophrenic patients.

Our staff at Suman Hospital treats each patient with the utmost attention. We are constantly worried about the patient’s health. We constantly work to make your visit or stay enjoyable.

The hospital’s grounds are secure, clean, and tranquil. Our goal is to offer our patients complete care and support at reasonable costs. Additionally, we completely protect each patient’s privacy and confidentiality.

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